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  • Writer's pictureKaty Hollamby

Spring searching

We went searching at the weekend

To see what we could find:

Seven bags of pine cones

Twenty leather bound bibles

Perfume that smells exactly like Grandma always did

Letters from Grandad

Cream lace gloves

A life time folded up in faded sea-green boxes and tissue paper.

I went searching at the weekend

To see what I could find:

A field of yellow daffodils

Two children in wellies climbing branches

Wind that made the trees dance

Old exercise books made new with pencil scrawled stories

A sky filled with swallows as we pressed our noses amazed to the glass

Life’s moments reflected in small people’s eyes.

I went searching at the weekend

To see what I could find:

Promises tucked up on paper sheets

Your voice still singing the same lovely song

Encouragements ever newly framed so I can hear them afresh

A slight change in the exact moment when I had thought to collapse

Answers to my prayers, power in the secrets

Your presence beside me, no matter what

An barely discernible lift in my heart

Because hope is here and he has a name.

Life is not lost

Perhaps just taking a nap or two, like me.

I shall see what I can find.

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