The flower I did not want
I asked for blooms of colour, extraordinary grace and miracles
I did not ask for you.
You turned up on the bare branch
In those last weeks
When expected spring was taking too long.
You fought through march’s fickle ever-changing skies,
Winters last cruel blast.
I asked for branches abundant with pink blossom, for all the world to see.
I did not ask for you.
You endured the long nights in darkness,
The unexpected relapses into cold,
The dead ends of frost.
Invisible work. Unappreciated.
I asked fields of adventure,
For stories, for joy.
I did not ask for you.
You cling to the tree,
Petals spindle out to hoped for sunlight.
You are a hard lesson.
Emerging from months spent at winters graveside.
I asked for frills, for depth,
For spectacular.
I did not ask for you.
You are quiet. You are slow.
A fragile resurrection.
You are delicate.
Born of endurance.
Strong. Oh so beautiful.
I asked for a garden full of flowers.
Patience - I did not ask for you.
But I am grateful.